My blog posts, tutorials, and more.
Implementing Clicking Outside of a Menu in JavaScript
A common feature in web development is closing a popup or menu when the user clicks outside of it.
Tutorial: How to Reorder and Squash Commits with Git
When working with multiple WIP commits or other related commits, you may want to combine them to kee...
Implementing a Scroll-and-Snap Effect Using the Intersection Observer API
Traditional English speaking test prep methods felt inefficient, and the process of recording my ans...
Understanding the Pandas DeprecationWarning: DataFrameGroupBy.apply operated on the grouping columns
When working with Pandas, you may encounter the SettingWithCopyWarning. In this article, I'll share ...
Rethinking UI/UX: The Hidden Gaps in Design and How to Bridge Them
One of the biggest problems in the UI/UX industry is the widespread misunderstanding of the true val...
Understanding the SettingWithCopyWarning in Pandas
When working with Pandas, you may encounter the SettingWithCopyWarning. In this article, I'll share ...
VS Code Custom Snippets: Boost Your Productivity (Part 3)
n this final part, we’ll focus on how to share and version control snippets for a more streamlined w...
VS Code Custom Snippets: Boost Your Productivity (Part 2)
Now, let’s dive into some advanced features that will further enhance your productivity.
VS Code Custom Snippets: Boost Your Productivity (Part 1)
VSCode is packed with handy features, many of which remain underutilized by developers. In this arti...
Testing Asynchronous Code in Javascript
Building on my previous article, I want to explore the broader topic of testing asynchronous code in...
Testing Asynchronously Thrown Errors in Javascript
When testing JavaScript applications, it’s often necessary to verify that expected errors are trigge...
Multifunctional AI Assistant (Part 3)
AI assistant that can help with a range of tasks.
Choosing Between useState and useRef in React: A Case Study from My AI Assistant App
A discussion about the decision on choosing useRef over useState in a specific scenario.
Multifunctional AI Assistant (Part 2)
AI assistant that can help with a range of tasks.
Multifunctional AI Assistant (Part 1)
AI assistant that can help with a range of tasks.
Mastering Chart.js Tooltips: Customizing Labels with Line Breaks
How to customize the label of tooltips of charts in Chart.js
AI-Powered English Speaking Tutor For Learners
Near-real-time English chat with instant feedback.
An AI-Powered App That Streamlines Your Speaking Test Prep Workflow
Traditional English speaking test prep methods felt inefficient, and the process of recording my ans...
Generate a Table of Contents for Medium Writings With One Click
Manually creating TOCs for Medium writings was tedious, so I decided to automate the process by deve...
How I Made My Python Data-Scraping Program 140 Times Faster
Last month, I developed a Python program to crawl a data-intensive website with numerous pages and t...
Handling Functions in Server Components with Next.js
How to Resolve the “Functions cannot be passed directly to Client Components” Error in Next.js
UX Insight: On Radio Buttons (Part 2)
Good design incorporates radio button's characteristics to enhance usability, while poor design ofte...
UX Insight: On Radio Buttons (Part 1)
Radio buttons are a fundamental component in UI/UX design, yet it seems that they are often misused,...
Understanding event.target and event.currentTarget: A Comprehensive Guide
When working with the DOM, you’ll often encounter events that help capture and respond to user inter...